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Safety science

Journal Volume: 168
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2023
Articles in SafetyLit: 22

A roadmap for the future of crowd safety research and practice: introducing the Swiss Cheese Model of Crowd Safety and the imperative of a Vision Zero target

Climbing style safety helmets do not improve impact protection over type II hard hats

Cost-benefit analysis in fire safety engineering: state-of-the-art and reference methodology

Developing smart buildings to reduce indoor risks for safety and health of the elderly: a systematic and bibliometric analysis

Effective transfer of safety interventions within and between organizations: leveraging translation theory to achieve improved outcomes

Evacuation dynamics of heterogeneous crowds involving individuals with different types of disabilities

Evacuation effect analysis of guidance strategies on subway station based on modified cellular automata model

Extending and improving current frameworks for risk management and decision-making: a new approach for incorporating dynamic aspects of risk and uncertainty

Fostering workplace safety: an exploration of the priority given to safety knowledge transmission in occupational environments

Influence of physiological, psychological and environmental factors on passenger ship seafarer fatigue in real navigation environment

Is safety education in the E-learning environment effective? Factors affecting the learning outcomes of online laboratory safety education

Knowledge in graphs: investigating the completeness of industrial near miss reports

Leveraging eye-tracking technologies to promote aviation safety- a review of key aspects, challenges, and future perspectives

Major aviation accident investigation methodologies used by ITSA members

On the gap between theory and practice in defining and understanding risk

The reciprocal relationship between safety behaviour and person-job fit: a self-regulation perspective

The role of empowering leadership, safety culture and safety climate in the prediction of mindful organizing in an air traffic management company

The role of selective attention in emergency wayfinding: an eye tracking-integrated virtual reality experiment

Toward AI-supported evaluation for safety control measures against near-miss events in pharmaceutical products

Towards a procedure to manage safety on construction sites of rockfall protective measures

Was the Deepwater Horizon incident a "Normal" accident?

What is the optimal pool lifeguard to patron ratio to prevent drowning? A virtual reality eye-tracking study